We are experienced acupuncturists in Sale, south Manchester and Stockport. We can assist you with fertility, IVF, digestion, pain and more.
Acupuncture & Herbs, low ovarian reserve, Sale
JW, 39y, FSH 49, AMH 0.02, natural pregnancy & a twins
At 35, I fell pregnant with our first daughter naturally and very quickly and was surprised therefore when I encountered subsequent fertility problems. I had breastfed my daughter for 18 months and thought this was the reason why my periods had not properly returned . When I began to experience hot flushes I underwent tests and my FSH and LH levels were very high and I was told by a leading gynaecologist that I was on the menopause and had less than a 1 per cent chance of conceiving again and that if I did fall pregnant, I would most likely miscarry. He suggested using donor eggs or starting HRT, neither of which we wanted to do and stated that IVF would not be a viable option. I also had 2 AMH tests to measure the quantity of eggs and the results were suggestive of no eggs. 2 scans of my ovaries also revealed that no eggs could be seen and no follicles were being stimulated, suggesting that I would never ovulate again.
My husband and I were however on a mission to prove the doctors wrong and have a brother or sister for our little girl! It was then that we read about the benefits of Chinese herbs and acupuncture to aid fertility. Drs Du and Yu were extremely compassionate, understanding and professional and did not feel that it was my time for my fertility to end. I started weekly acupuncture sessions and took twice daily Chinese herbs and within a short time my periods returned. I must admit that my husband and I were a little sceptical at first so I continued with the herbs and acupuncture for a while to try and restore my cycle for a number of months.During this time I was under the care of both Drs Yu and Du. I also used the Clearblue digital fertility monitor to chart my ovulation and most fertile time and fortunately fell pregnant naturally with identical twin girls. Just before I fell pregnant the herb composition had been altered as I was told that I had too much heat in my body. I stopped acupuncture when I fell pregnant but continued with the herbs during the initial period when the embryo was implanting. My husband and I cannot thank Drs Yu and Du enough for their support and seeming magic(!). We have 2 very chilled and perfect young ladies who complete our family… double the joy and not double the trouble. I cannot recommend Drs Du and Yu enough to anybody who has fertility issues. The twins I suspect are due to my age rather then the treatment as I fell pregnant at 39 and gave birth 8 days after turning 40. My husband and I are over the moon and truly believe that the herbs and acupuncture and care we received are the reason why our family is now complete.
JW, 39y
Sale, Cheshire