We are experienced acupuncturists in Sale, south Manchester and Stockport. We can assist you with fertility, IVF, digestion, pain and more.
Acupuncture, high FSH, verruca, Manchester
Whilst undergoing acupuncture treatment for fertility and to reduce my FSH. I noticed that a verruca on my toe which I had for a couple of years started to disappear and then completely healed without any other treatment other than the acupuncture. Previously I had tried treatments from the chemist which did not work.
In addition my FSH level reduced from 20 to 5.6. I believe the acupuncture helped this reduction along with eating healthily and taking some prescribed medication from the fertility clinic. Without hesitation I would recommend Lin and the acupuncture treatment she offers, it has definitely made a difference to my health.
AJ, 39y, Hyde, Manchester