Acupuncture, IVF, psoriasis, Didsbury

I have suffered from psoriasis, very severely at times for the past 32 years. I have tried every remedy traditional and alternative medicine has to offer and every diet under the sun, and nothing has ever made the slightest difference.

In December I started preparations for IVF and began seeing Lin for this purpose. The very next day after my first treatment, I noticed a marked improvement in my psoriasis and form that point, over the next six weeks I watched it completely disappear. I am now still, nine months later, (for the first time in my life since I can remember), psoriasis free. I can’t thank Lin enough for my first summer wearing a skirt with no self-conscious thoughts.

And what is more, I’m now five months pregnant, having been successful at the first attempt at IVF!

Sophie, 38y, Didsbury, Manchester